Contracts and Obligations Management System (COMS) is an enterprise-class solution to automate the complete contract process and efficiently manage all the contracts and related obligations. COMS helps in creation and management of Contract Attributes (Metadata), Contract Creation, Contractual Obligations Management and track Litigations and Appeals arising from contracts.
COMS allows organizations to easily capture contract metadata and attach it to various levels within organization hierarchy such as Entities, Divisions, Departments, Locations etc. Additional custom attributes as well as custom contract types can also be added in the contract and an intuitive tree view with drill-down capability helps to navigate to any specific contract.
Obligations grouped by contracts are available in one location with all the details and related documents. Adding new obligations to track and manage is a breeze in COMS with the in-built search functionality directly against the contract text. Obligations can also be added from a predefined list or they can be entered manually.